This bibliography concerns the techniques needed to play the various bass recorders. A more convenient and flexible way of exploring it is via the Zotero citation database underlying this web-site. The Zotero interface is straightforward to use and allows you to export selected entries in a variety of formats and to create your own citation lists in a range of journal styles. All you need is your web-browser. This will be of particular assistance to students and researchers.
- Blood, Brian. 2015. “On Playing the Bass Recorder.” Dolmetsch Online.
- Bloodworth, Dennis. 2000. Bass Recorder Handbook. London: Novello.
- Hersom, Herbert. 1972. “Bass Recorders in School.” Recorder and Music Magazine 4 (1): 15–16.
- Hunt, Edgar H. 1975. The Bass Recorder. A Concise Method for the Bass in F and the Great Bass in C. London: Schott Edition 11221.
- Hunt, Edgar H. 1964. “The Modern Bass [Recorder].” Recorder and Music Magazine 1 (4): 109–10.
- Hunt, Edgar H. 1973. “Playing the Bass Recorder.” Recorder & Music 4 (8): 283–84.
- Hunt, Edgar H. 1963. “The Baroque Bass [Recorder].” Recorder and Music Magazine 1 (3): 74–75.
- Hunt, Edgar H. 1963. “The Renaissance Bass [Recorder].” Recorder and Music Magazine 1 (1): 10–12.
- Mönkemeyer, Helmut. 2002. Das Spiel auf der Bassblockflöte/Playing the Bass Recorder/Introduction au maniement de las flûte douce basse. Celle: Edition Moeck Nr 2038.
- Oestreicher, Klaus. 1981. “Zur Geschichte der Baßblockflöte [On the History of the Bass Recorder].” Musik International 35 (12): 794–96.
- Primus, Constance M. 1984. “Beginning the Bass [Recorder].” American Recorder 25 (2): 54–56.
- Primus, Constance M. 1984. “The Bass Recorder in Consort.” American Recorder 25 (3): 101–4.
- Villavicencio Grossmann, Cesar M. 2002. “The Electronic Recorder Explained.” American Recorder 43 (1): 7–9.
- Villavicencio Grossmann, Cesar M. 2010. “Developing a Hybrid Contrabass Recorder; Resistances, Expression, Gestures and Rhetoric.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 223–28. Sydney.
- Wyatt, Theo. 1964. “Playing the Tenor and Bass. (Where Do I Start?” Recorder and Music Magazine 1 (7): 206–7.
Cite this article as: Lander, Nicholas S. 1996–2025. Recorder Home Page: Technique: Bass recorders. Last accessed 14 March 2025.